It was a great experience for me to work on this portrait! The model is a good friend of my family and he is always happy to spend some time “collaborating for the cause”.
He is an architect, an artistic soul with a free mind, and a great personality too.
I wanted to make a dynamic portrait of him with a lot of energy, inspired by his pensive regard…
It is not the first time I´m painting him. But this time I decided to do it using new tools. PanPastel contacted me to try their products several months ago, and after a few mail conversations, I received from the company Colorfin LLC an interesting set of colors and products… Painting this portrait was a true journey since I have never used this medium before!
The whole process was a real challenge for me, not only because of the complexity of my model but also because I was working with this new art material for the first time!
I knew it would feel like a completely new technique to me, but it was much more surprising, interesting, and fun than I was expecting!
These pastels are fast, but gentle and very easy going…
My approach to Pan Pastel was direct and intuitive. I tried to mix and apply the colors as it was an oil painting, keeping free strokes, using several sponges they supplied me, that are available for the large spots, and some thinner sticks for the details.
I worked on a Canson, Mi- Teintes Touch pastel paper and the pigment was covering easy, allowing me to build the portrait on layers. What I noticed is that too many layers filled quickly this kind of paper, that would normally absobs much more Pastel strokes, working with sticks. So in the future I will try a different paper. Or I´ll mix these pastels with my usual soft Pastel sticks too…
After so many years working with pastels, it was a great joy and pleasure to discover a new approach to the pastel medium and to the painting itself!
It is always great to experience new products and keep open mind.
Statement: This is not advertising. No payment has been accepted, nor any forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation to make this post. This is a personal point of view on my experience with PanPastel products.