I can´t wait the Spring arrives! I love Spring and I love flowers… And one of the signs that the Spring is on its way is when the Mimosa flowers start blooming. This is the moment when I know that the Winter is at its end! So I take my bike and go out to pick up some Mimosa branches for my home. The perfume of this yellow beauty spreads all over the house once they are on their flower jar… Mimosa is also the flower of the friendship, and italians use to give them as present on 14th February.
The Spring is on its way…

Ahhh… I can imagine the fragrance from here! And even more fun to imagine the bike ride out to cut the bouquet. I’m sure you know that February 14th is Valentine’s Day in the United States- so lots of cut roses, wine and chocolates between lovers, and very small Valentine’s Day cards passed between the children in school. Still very cold in the midwest, but hints of Spring as we close in on March. Happy Almost Spring!