Sometimes dreams come true!
We all dream of things we would like to do or achieve. And for me, those dreams are in colors…!
Visiting the factory of Schmincke, one of my favorite Soft Pastel brands and one which I have been working with almost every day for many, many years now, has always been a great desire. And finally the day I was waiting so long arrived!

Visiting Schmincke Factory, Erkrath, Germany, ©photo by Bogra art studio, 2018

Pure pigments for making Pastel bars, Schmincke factory, ©photo by Bogra art studio, 2018
The factory is located near Köln (Cologne) in Germany. In the small town of Erkrath, in the state of Rhineland-Westphalia.
On the contrary to what one might think, it is a family business with only 75 employees…They take a personal care in each step of the production.

Pure pigments for making Pastel bars, ©photo by Bogra art studio, 2018
Schmincke has been manufacturing Pastels for more than 100 years! All the processes are practically made by hand and each Pastel is unique. Although they all have the same quality level and standards. The same exact and guarantee “formulas” that never change. The most important thing about these Soft Pastel bars is, probably, their softness. Also that they contain the highest amount possible of pure pigment. What gives at the end very bright and fresh colors so grateful to use.

The making of Schmincke Oil paintings, Erkrath, Germany, ©photo by Bogra art studio, 2018

The making of Oil painting, Schmincke, Erkrath, Germany, ©photo by Bogra art studio, 2018

Making Aquarelles, 4 months to complete the process! Schmincke, ©photo by Bogra art studio, 2018
I went through the factory with Susanne Gosch, my guide for the occasion, who kindly showed me all the production processes. We started by the room where all the pure pigments are stored. Some colors caught my gaze in such an incredible way that it was difficult to believe it. I was very impressed by the so pure blue! The reds, so hot,.. the yellows so bright and all the other colors so deep, bright and alive.
We went from there to see how the pigments were mixed, and how the process of oils, Acrylics, and watercolors were carried out.
It’s amazing to think that it takes about 4 months to complete the full process of a single watercolors tablet!

The Pastel bars must rest for some weeks, Schmincke Pastels, ©photo by Bogra art studio, 2018

Making the Pastel bars, Schmincke Pastels, ©photo by Bogra art studio, 2018
The quality standards are higher than I thought and each step takes time. I had the feeling that I was in another world. In those past worlds of not so long ago, where quality was more important (despite the time and effort involved) than anything. Where a well-done job matters more than the pursuit of quick profit … So widespread today.
In fact, Schmincke is one of the few brands of art materials, (producers of high-quality painting supplies) that did not move any of its sections to China, looking to quickly expand its benefits. Something that many companies actually do, undoubtedly affecting the quality of the final product.

making Pastel bars, Schmincke Pastels, soft Pastel, ©photo Bogra Art studio, 2018
The visit lasted more than two hours. A tour full of information and interesting conversations.
I left the Schmincke factory very happy and full of fresh ideas. Also with two new Pastel sets that I am planning to try in my studio in the coming weeks… I hope to share soon the results and tests of these ranges of colors!

View of the Roman Catholic cathedral in Cologne, Northrhine-Westfalia, Germany. ©photoBogra art
And of course, I took few hours to visit Cologne!! And spent part of this time to climb the spiral staircase and the 533 steps that take you to the observation deck. Almost 100 meters high. But this is another story…
Thank you for taking the time to write a blog. I enjoyed going along with you to visit Schminke.
Thank you, Virginia, for following the blog. I am glad you liked the visit..It was really great! 🙂 Regards, Graciela.
Ti ammiro molto, vorrei diventare brava almeno per una piccola parte quanto te. Sei una grande artista, complimenti. Continua a pubblicare su you tube, i tuoi video mi ispirano molto. Grazie. Un saluto. Antonella Prosperi.
Grazie mille Antonella. Uno migliora e divente bravo con il tempo e lavorando.. Quindi non c’è mistero! Un cordiale saluto! 🙂