I love traditions! And since we are a mixed family with different roots, we have and celebrate a lot of them at home!
One of our favorites is the Christian Orthodox Easter. That celebration comes from my Bulgarian roots…

The eggs on different color preparations, Easter Eggs coloring, 2019, ©photo by Bogra art studio
Each year we celebrate this special day with typical food and of course with an Egg battle, also known as Egg tapping. To do this we need many colored eggs that must be prepared on Holy Thursday or Saturday. We enjoy coloring the boiled eggs making sure that we have a lot of them! At least a couple of dozens of eggs will do. The first one must be always on red…!

The first one must be always on red…! ©photo by Bogra art studio, Easter 2019
The red egg has is own representation and importance on Christian tradition. Then we can play with the colors and always run short on eggs, as this is so fun to do!
On Easter, everybody takes his favorite egg, called “buriak” and then must “face” the eggs of the other members of the family and friends…. The one who will remain intact will have good luck and healthy during all the year.

To dye the eggs I use are food coloring. ©photo by Bogra art studio, 2019
My kid loves this game, we laugh a lot and we have a great time altogether “fighting” with our eggs…

A perfect yellow egg. I love this color! ©photo by Bogra art studio, Easter 2019
I look at him and remember myself at his age, filling my pockets with cheerful “buriaks”, some salt in a napkin, going outside to battle with the other kids in my neighborhood.

The colors mix in different and curious ways… Easter Eggs 2019, ©photo by Bogra art studio
At the end of the day, the streets of the entire neighborhood were covered with plenty of little pieces of colored eggshells…
It was fascinating and still is!

Some eggs after the battle, ©photo by Bogra art studio, Easter 2019

The green egg! Love it! Easter traditions, ©photo by Bogra art studio, Easter 2019
Soy seguidora suya, me encanta como pinta y sus comentarios paso a paso de sus obras son una gran ayuda para esta aficionada al pastel, que intenta a dibujar y pintar con lo que aprende por internet.
Gracias y espero su pronta recuperación, que seguro será así con esa gran paleta de colores que tiene dentro.
Un cordial saludo.
Hola Belén,
Gracias por seguir este blog! Me alegra saber que le aporta cosas positivas en el apasionante camino del dibujo y la pintura..
Me alegro mucho que mi trabajo le puede servir.
Y como no, darle las gracias por sus buenos deseos con respecto a mi recuperación. Estoy en el buen camino. :))
Un saludo, Graciela.