This week I have finished my chemotherapy.
Portraits in Pastel - Portraits in Oil - Portrait from Photo - Hand-drawn Portraits - Children Portraits

I finally finished my chemotherapy!

Portrait by Alain Bañon ©photo by Alain Lens,

This week I have finished my chemotherapy.

It has been a very difficult year. I had a lot of plans, big paintings to be made, projects, travels, videos to film for my Youtube Instructional channel, etc. Almost all of this has to be postponed to focus on my healing. It is incredible how life can change in a second, in the blink of an eye. This has nothing to do with my Pastels or the supposed toxicity of some pigments, but with a hereditary condition. I am not the first woman in my family that got Breast Cancer, so I had more probabilities than other women to have it, but I never really thought about that.

Fortunately, we catch it on time… I have not still finished the treatments (Women like me knows that this is a long road) but, after all these months, I am on my way of recovering and so grateful to doctors, nurses, family, and friends that are helping me so much through the process…! I´m also grateful to my boxes full with pastels bars, that were all the time with me…They are an important part of my cure, helping me to feel “myself” in some way.

I am not used to sharing my private life (on the internet) but I felt that this is important. Not only for me but also for a lot of women out there. This post is just a message to make visible something that people don´t like to hear or talk about, a short message of hope for all those women who are going through the same… It is a long path, it is difficult to assume, but (in most of the cases) it has a cure. Just need tons of patience and keeping busy as much as possible. And also some faith.

I wish you the best!


21 Replies to “I finally finished my chemotherapy!”

  1. Anita Dreze says:

    Bonjour Graciela,

    En allant sur votre site je viens de voir que vous étiez malade, je ne savais pas du tout.
    En tout cas je suis ravie que vous avez terminé la chimiothérapie et que vous êtes en voie de guérison.

    Je vous envoie Graciela une multitude de ions positives et d’énormes belles choses pour vous dans l’avenir.
    Je suis une fervente admiratrice depuis longtemps de vos pastels et j’ai appris beaucoup de vos vidéos et j’espère en apprendre encore beaucoup.

    Comme je vous l’avais deja dit il y a quelques années vous êtes la bienvenue en Normandie en France. C’est avec un grand plaisir et une énorme joie que je vous recevrais si vous le souhaitez ☺️

    En attendant je vous embrasse très fort et j’espère vous voir très bientôt

    Pastellement votre


    1. Graciela Bombalova says:

      Bonjour Anita,

      Je tiens à vous remercier pour votre lettre. Je n’ai pas voulu rendre ma maladie publique jusqu’à la fin de cette phase du traitement… Je vous remercie beaucoup pour la ” multitude de ions positifs” que vous m’avez envoyés et pour tous vos bons mots. L’année dernière, j’ai visitée la Normandie (Biennale de Pastel d´Opale) et cela m’a tellement plu que je prévois de le répéter. Les plages, les petits villages, Le bon pain, les paysages, les gens… Je compte bien répéter! Et si je peux, vous visiter. Moi aussi je vous embrasse très fort. Et merci a nouveau! Graciela.

      1. Anita Dreze says:


        Faites moi savoir lorsque vous viendrez en Normandie, car vraiment et là je suis sincère et j’insiste de vous recevoir à la maison avec une grande joie et plaisir.
        Tenez moi au courant (vous avez mon mail)
        Je compte sur vous à très bientôt.
        Je vous embrasse très fort


  2. Ula says:

    Dear Graciela,

    I adore your work yet, I had no idea about your condition. With all my heart, thank you for this post. Your courage and strength are highly inspiring. I’m glad that your pastels are with you.

    I’m sending you much love and best wishes for each coming day of your beautiful, creative life. You are an inspiration.

    1. Graciela Bombalova says:

      Dear Ula,
      I really want to thank you for your kind words! Thank you for writing and your nice wishes and your love…
      By the way, I like your photos. Also your poetry. The beauty is with no doubt in the simple things! My very best,

  3. Helga says:

    Dear Graciela,

    I am sending my best wishes!

    Ihre Pastells sehe ich immer wieder an, sie sind wunderschön. Von ganzem Herzen wünsche ich Ihnen Gesundheit und noch viele kreative Jahre.

    Alles, alles Gute

    1. Graciela Bombalova says:

      Hello Helga,

      Thank you so much for your kindness and writing to me.
      I really appreciate your words. I´ll do my best!! 😉

  4. Because after oils, watercolors and acrylics I still haven’t tried pastels, I started looking in YouTube and just found your video of the old man’s picture and was mesmerized by it. You are an amazing artist! I then read the questions people asked and found out that you are such a sweet human being, answering everyone so kindly and straightforward… so I came to your blog to find out some more technical information and found this post. I’m really sad that you are going through this and at the same time I admire your strength and courage. I believe in God and will keep you in my prayers for health, strength and to keep sending angels your way who will make your life easier and richer. You’ve made my day!
    Acabo de leer que has vivido en el Caribe y vives en Espana! Yo soy de Venezuela y vivo en Canada y Bahrein. En verdad me has impresionado, te deseo lo mejor.

    1. Graciela Bombalova says:

      Hola Maria,
      It is so kind of you to send me this message!! I am very glad you have been visiting my Youtube Instructional channel and that you like my Pastel works. I do what I can on answering people on my channel but there are so many questions about Pastel technique… I wish I could answer them all!
      I saw your web and part of your work. The vivid dared colors and your sensibility remind me so much about the Caribbean!! I miss the islands so much! Sometimes…
      Le mando mis mejores deseos y de nuevo gracias por su apoyo!

  5. Süzan says:

    Hello dear Graciella, I really missed you! Thank you for sharing the reason with us and wish you continued recovery and good luck. Looking forward to new videos and works of yours. Greetings Süzan

    1. Graciela Bombalova says:

      Dear Suzan,
      Thank you for your kind words!!
      Yes, this is the reason why I haven´t posted new videos on my Youtube Channel… I tried to. I had an attempt but when I took a double look on the filming I felt so vulnerable. I have not stopped working but I didn’t feel comfortable to show myself yet.
      I still need some time…thank you for the support!
      Warm regards,

      1. Süzan says:

        take as much time as you need! We are waiting for you and wish you good health !!

  6. Dusty Knotts says:

    I found your videos and have devoured them slowly and repeatedly with such delight. I have come to releasing the artist within my soul late in life and thank you for feeding me such hope of creating my visions with pastels. In no blog or comment did I see the battle you were In with cancer. It has touched so many and tends to realign the important things in life so dramatically. It visited our home as well. You have shared so much and I send you prayers and hope for many future days of peace and full life.

    1. Graciela Bombalova says:

      Dear Dusty,

      I really appreciate your kind words about the videos and my work.
      So glad you have found them useful to develop your own work! This was the idea.
      I took really good care about not mentioning my “battle” since I consider it is something very personal. I think social networks are amazing (well used) but I also like to keep my personal life private. This way I also had time to think over and decide what to do calmly.
      In the end, I thought that it would help others to publicize my condition. But it wasn’t an easy decision. It is in some way like living 2 very different lives…The real one and the virtual.
      Warm regards and thank you again!

  7. Carole says:

    Gracie au parfum de Rose

    Tu es la légèreté et la douceur d’une pétale de rose qui dissipe son parfum pour embaumer de bonheur a tous ceux qui t’entourent.
    Chaque matin tu éclores pour t’épanouire et jouire de la vie en toute simplicité.
    La force même de la tige te permet de ne pas casser, enracinée à la source pure de la terre et ainsi t’accrocher à la vie.
    Les épines naturellement forment autour de toi un bouclier de protection.
    Gracie tu es la rose….tu es un monde.
    Le monde de la femme dans toute sa beauté, pureté, battante et combattante.
    Ton amie Carole

    Gracie al perfume de Rosa…
    Eres la ligereza y la dulzura de un pétalo de rosa que disipa su perfume para embalsamar con felicidad a todos los que te rodean.
    Cada mañana te abres para florecer y disfrutar de la vida con simplicidad.
    La fuerza misma del tallo te permite no romperte, enraizado en la fuente pura de la tierra y, así aferrarte a la vida.
    Las espinas forman naturalmente a tu alrededor un escudo de protección.
    Gracie, eres la rosa … eres un mundo.
    El mundo de la mujer en toda su belleza, pureza, pasión y lucha.
    Tu amiga, Carole

    1. Graciela Bombalova says:

      Carole!! Viens nous visiter!
      On t´attend…

  8. Gemma says:

    Graciela, mil gracias por todo el arte que compartes con todos nosotros, eres la mejor. Adelante y mucho ánimo.

    1. Graciela Bombalova says:

      Gracias por los ánimos Gemma, 🙂
      Un cordial saludo!!


  9. Catherine says:

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful and raw photo, and for giving us a glimpse of your journey. Like your works of art- this photo is courageous, real, touching and masterful. It teaches us something and draws us around you with hope and healing energy- to pray and love. This work of art calls us to be still and human. We go quiet into the place where art comes from and for a moment- in spite of the miles- we are one. Sending healing love over the oceans sister- and prayers for complete healing, strength and for you to be left with the unspeakable joy that is born of suffering.

    1. Graciela Bombalova says:

      Dear Catherine,

      Thanks to you for your kind words! What can I say..
      I really appreciate all the support and the response I have received to my post.
      All the affection…the energy, and love that I have received touch and comfort me deeply,
      I send you my warm regards!

  10. Sheree Ross says:

    Hi Graciela, I want to tell you I think you are the very best children’s portrait artist I have ever seen. I often watch your videos on my tv and you are so inspiring.
    I also wanted to tell you to please listen to this for your cancer. It will work- Bless you.

    Cancer & Epstein Barr Virus by Medical Medium on #SoundCloud

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